How to make a correct and comfortable descent
Many of the novice divers who pass through our Center frequently ask how to make a correct and comfortable descent. They themselves soon realize that comfort throughout the immersion happens to make a proper start of it.
These are some of the GUIDELINES that will help you to execute a correct descent and, in this way, to improve your air consumption during the first moments of the dive, also contributing to provide you with a calm start that you will be able to prolong throughout your dive:
- Make sure you have the proper ballast. To do this, remember to perform the ?correct ballast test? ?put on all the equipment; enters water deep enough not to stand; With the regulator in your mouth, deflate your vest and keep your lungs full. you should stay floating with the water at eye level. Add or remove ballast to achieve this?
- Begin the descent in a fully upright position, feet first. This position facilitates vertical movement, which is the descent / ascent.
- It is recommended to look down while descending, so that you avoid running over other divers. In addition, this way you will prevent your instinct from leading you to keep your lungs full, when you perceive that the water reaches the level of your eyes (it is normal).
- Slightly bend your knees to tuck the fins toward the back of your legs. This will prevent the fins from slowing you down and will also prevent you from flapping instinctively.
- Whenever possible, use the mooring line to help you descend the first 2-3 meters. At this point, the compression of the suit will have reduced its positive buoyancy and you will be able to continue your descent effortlessly.
- Inflate your vest as needed to moderate your rate of descent. Flap slightly if necessary to help you.
- And finally, remember to compensate your ears by performing the Valsalva maneuver at ALL times and FROM THE BEGINNING, starting from the surface. If you can't compensate and you feel pain, go up a little to relieve the pressure and insist on the maneuver.